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The Reflux Bible Second Edition

Recommended  To Parents by Public Health Nurses & General practitioners.

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Table Of Content Of The Reflux Bible Edition 2



About the Author xiv

Acknowledgements xvii Introduction 
Here is My Story Here is My Heart 

Chapter 1 What is Reflux? 


Illustrative Diagram of a Baby's Anatomy 
Distinguishing Between GOR & GORD 
Symptoms of Colic 
Adaptation from Colic Calm website UK 
Recognising the Signs of Reflux 
Signs of Reflux 
Practical Ways to Manage Reflux 

Chapter 2 A Guide to GP visits and Hospitals 

When to Ask for a Paediatrician, Gastroenterologist or a Dietician. 
What to Bring for Hospital Admissions 
Things to Bring For Parents 
Diagnostic Tests for Reflux 
Barium Swallow Test10 
PH Probe 
Upper GI Endoscopy 
Gastric Emptying Study 
Surgical correction of Reflux – Nissen Fundoplication 
Nissen Fundoplication 
Dumping Syndrome 
Swallowing Problems: Recurrence of Reflux 
Parents Experience 

Chapter 3  Tube Feeding 

Why are Feeding Tubes Recommended? 
What Characteristics are seen in Children who are Tube-Fed? 
What Types of Feeding Tubes are Recommended for Children? 
Does Tube Feedings Ever Reduce the Child's Ability or Desire to Eat Orally? 
How Can Parents Support the Child's Desire and Ability to Eat Orally? 
Mother voices & Experience 
Jennifer Green 
Jack's Story 
Jack’s Story Continued: Story about Grieving for the Life you Wanted 

Chapter 4  Tongue Tie and Breast feeding 

Tongue Tie 
The Process of Breastfeeding 
The Tongue-Tied Baby 
Parents Views 

Chapter 5  Feeding & Baby formula 

Hipp Organic Combiotic Follow On from 6 months onwards (UK) 
Parent’s Review 
SMA Advanced Gold System 
SMA, WySoy Soya Infant Milk from Birth Onwards 
SMA Nutrition Range 
Parent’s Review 
Aptamil & Cow & Gate, Comfort Formula 
Parent’s Review 
Aptamil, Pepti 1 
Parent’s Review 
Aptamil, Pepti 2 
Parent’s Review 
Aptamil, AR (Anti Reflux) 
Parent’s Review 
Cow & Gate, Pepti Junior 
Parent’s Review 
Nanny Care, Goat’s Milk 
Parent’s Review 
Enfamil, Ar. (Anti-Reflux) 
Parents’ Reviews 
SMA Staydown 
Parents’ Reviews 

hypoallergenic &amino acid-based formula
Nutramigen, Lipil 1 & 2 
Parents’ Reviews 
Nutramigen, AA Formula 
Parents’ Reviews 
Neocate LCP 
Parents’ Reviews 
Neocate Advance / Neocate Junior 

Chapter 6  Alternative Remedies and Therapy 

Faith Healing 
Parents’ Experiences 
Parents’ Experiences 
NAET Therapy 
NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques) 
Parents’ Experiences: 
Parents’ Experiences 
Cranio-Sacral Therapy 
Parents’ Experiences 
Chiropractic Adjustment 
Parents’ Experiences 

Chapter 7  Herbal & Non-prescription Products 

Colic Calm 
Herbal Remedies 
Parent View: Mother of Twins with Reflux 
Cow and Gate Instant Carobel 
Gaviscon, Baby Gaviscon 

Chapter 8  Prescription Medications 

Drug classes and mechanisms 
Ranitidine (Zantac) 
Proton-Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) 
Are There Differences among Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)? 
What I learned From Dr P – in Simple Terms 
The Following Information is From Literature That Doctor P has Provided: 
Night-time Acid Issues: Acid Dump 
The other thing you should know is a Little PPI Pharmacology 
The “Acid Battle” 
Acid Rebound Weaning off a PPI 
Ketotifen: Generic Name: Liquid Oral (key-toe-TIFF-en) 
Ketotifen & Intestinal Permeability 

Chapter 9  Prokinetics/ Motility Drugs 

Motility Drugs for Delayed Gastric Emptying 

Chapter 10 Food Intolerances 

Signs & Symptoms of Intolerance 
‘’Frequently asked Questions and answers about Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerances (CMPI) 

1. What is Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance (CMPI) & What Causes it? 

2. How Common is Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance and Who is at Risk of Developing it? 


3. What are the different types of Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance?

4. What are the Signs and Symptoms of Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance? 

5. When Should you Contact or see a Doctor or Paediatric Gastroenterologist? 

6. How is Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance Diagnosed? 

7. What Tests are used in Children to Diagnose Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance? 

8. What is the treatment for Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance? 

9. What can I Expect if my Child has Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance? 

10. Where can I find support for my child and family? 

Lactose Intolerance 
Food Allergy & Breast Feeding 

‘’What Does FPIES Stand For? 
What is FPIES 
When Do FPIES Reactions Occur? 
What is a Typical FPIES Reaction? 
How Do You Treat an FPIES Reaction? 
*Author’s note 
Does FPIES Require Epinephrine (Adrenaline) 
What are Some Common FPIES Triggers? 
How is FPIES Diagnosed? 
How Do You Care for a Child With FPIES? 
Is FPIES A Lifelong Condition? 
How Do I know If My Child Has Outgrown FPIES? 
How is FPIES Different from MPIES, MSPIES, MSPI, Etc.? 
Parent’s Experience 

Extract from Monica Brogans online Blog: Gut Allergy Mummy 

Chapter 11 Faecal Calprotectin 

A screening test for detecting gastrointestinal inflammation in children 
What is Calprotectin? 
When is it Ordered? 
The Faecal Calprotectin Test – What is it and how it is performed? 
What Does does the Test test result Mean? 
Related Tests 
Is There Anything Else I Should Know 
Common Questions 
1. Can a blood test be substituted for a stool calprotectin test? 
2. What can I do to decrease my calprotectin? 
3. Can the Faecal Calprotectin test be performed in my doctor's office? 

Chapter 12  Weaning your baby onto solids 

Parent‘s experiences 

Chapter 13 GORD Common Cause of Ear, Nose & Throat Problems 

How Reflux Affects the Airway 
Common Ear, Nose and Throat Conditions Resulting from EOR 
Effects of EOR on the Larynx or Voice Box 
Paradoxical Vocal Cord Dysfunction (PVCD) 
Stridor and Laryngomalacia 
Croup and Subglottic Stenosis (SGS) 
Effects of EOR on the Pharynx, Sinuses, & Ears 
Globus Pharyngeus (lump in the throat) 
Enlarged Tonsils 
Rhinosinusitis (Nose & Sinus Infection) 
Otitis media (Middle Ear Infection) 

Chapter 14  Sandifers Syndrome 

Chapter 15  Sensory Processing Difficulties & GORD 

Excerpt from on Call Children’s Therapy Network 
Dr Fiona Jones 
Level of input required to register High (under-sensitive), Low Registration 
Sensation Seeking 
Low Sensitivity to Stimuli 
Sensation Avoiding 
How does Sensory Processing work? 
EXAMPLE (Adrenaline Response) 
What can you do? 

Chapter 16 GORD and Emotions - The Personal Side 

The following beautiful stories have been shared with me from the wonderful,

powerful mothers of Surviving Reflux Ireland 
Mother's stories  
Fathers’ Voices 

A Parent Doing the Job Alone 

Chapter 17 Useful Financial Assistance for Parents Living in Ireland 

Maternity Leave 
Father's Entitlement to Maternity Leave 
Paternity Leave 
Postponing Maternity Leave 
Parental Leave 
Extension of Parental Leave to 18 weeks 
Age of Child 
Amount of Parental Leave 
Illness of Parent 
Employment Rights While on Parental Leave 
Social Insurance Contributions 
Annual Leave and Public Holidays 
Medical Cards 
GP Visit Cards 
Drugs Payment Scheme 
Using the Card 
Claiming a Refund for Amounts over the Threshold 
To Apply for a Refund 
Expired Drugs Payment Scheme Cards 
Lost or stolen Drugs Payment Scheme Cards 
Long Term Illness Scheme 
The GMS (Hardship) Assistance 
Domiciliary Care Allowance 
Carer's Allowance 

Thank you for reading my book. 
“It’s Only Reflux”. 

Useful Websites 
Indexed References 
Appendix 1 
MARCI Kids Medical References 273












Cherie Bacon & Monica Brogan

will be guest speakers at the Allergy & Free From Expo.  Hear them talk about  Reflux & Allergy

This coming October 2015

Exibition in Cork the 31st Of October in City Hall

 & Dublins RDS on the 10th & 11th of October 




Cherie Bacon Byrne Guest Speaker at the Tummy To Toddlers Expo Kilkenny
























Special Guest on Charity Radio 




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